Amazon. I've thought about it... often... but never thought my opinion would
matter or I never cared about a book enough to spend the time writing. Until today.
I'm reading a book I can't put down. Reading a familiar voice... one I've heard
in the blogging world for a year or more. Reading... gleaning... learning... leaning.
This is a review of my own... nothing was given or expected for this review. I
was not asked my opinion and am not sure how many people care. This review
is simply because I believe in Ann.. in Ann's voice... and in the book God gave her
to write. And, by writing a simple review, I can give something back.
I'm one of 30 reviews on Amazon. Apparently, I am not alone in my love for Ann.
Currently, One Thousand Gifts is in the Top 10 on the Amazon Bestseller List. It's
been amazing to know the release date for this book... to respond to Ann's requests
for prayer this year... and to see how God is blessing above and beyond what was
imagined. He does that sort of thing, you know...
This is my review that showed up on Amazon today...
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are (Hardcover)
I read and I read and I read because I can't stop reading. I read more than I can possibly absorb in the moment because my heart is drawn in.... I read knowing I will read it again and again and again.One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are is anything but a quick read. Its deep... its moving... its powerful. Ann Voskamp's voice within the story God Almighty gave her to write resonates with grace... with joy... with eucharisteo. Ann's voice draws us into her world... a world built on childhood pain that has been redeemed by the only One able to give life changing redemption. Ann share's her pain but not for the recognition of her hurting heart. Instead, she shares to point her reader to the Healer, the One who gives gifts without abandon.
In writing One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are, Ann dares us to go deeper... to find gratitude in the every day... to search for those gifts that make our moments... and to recognize that all those moments make a life well lived. She dares us to wake up and search for those gifts endowed by our Creator. And she speaks that dare in a voice filled with humility, grace and love.
Ann's voice... her story... this book is a must read... and I know I will read it again and again and again because I have much to learn and she has much to share.
I was on Amazon earlier today looking for a couple of different books and this particular book popped up as a recommendation for me based on other things I've ordered. I actually read your review, not realizing it was you! It definitely sounds like a good read.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds awesome. I do love her writing!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great read, thanks for sharing.