Friday, May 14, 2010

a one word description....

On Tuesday, my friend, Laura, posted this as her status on facebook....

I began a new book study this morning (yea!) and only got through the first 3 words of Galatians: "Paul, an apostle." I've been thinking all morning - what would my one word description of myself be? Would it be the right one? How am I defining myself for others? How about you - what would your one word identification be?

I've been thinking through this thought often over the past few days... wondering what my answer will be. I know I could say "Heidi, a wife..." or "Heidi, a mom..." and both of those are true and noble purposes and accurate descriptions of myself. However, I want something more.

I want my own word description to be all-encompassing of my life... to be God-honoring, not Heidi-honoring... to be a one word testimony of the work that Christ has done in me to make me more like Him.

After much thought and prayer, I have it. I have my one word description...

Heidi, one redeemed!

One redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. One bought with His blood on Calvary. One adopted into His family and promised eternal life because of His resurrection. gain or regain possession of something in exchange for payment.

Praise the LORD!


Thank you for your kind words!