Saturday, May 08, 2010

Thank you to nurses!

Often people will come up to me in the post office, grocery store, McDonalds... anywhere when I am out and about around town... and say "I saw your husband yesterday."

Immediately my response is "Are you okay? Is your family okay?" Followed by, "Did you visit the world's sexiest nurse?"

Yep! My man is the world's sexiest nurse and when people tell me that they saw him, it usually means they made a trip into our local ER.

I am blessed with a lot of nurses in my life... not because I am ill but because God has blessed me with friends and family who have the compassion and patience to take care of sick people. I'm so thankful for these people! Nursing is something I could never do! Years ago, my friend, Tabitha, was studying to be a nurse while we were in college. She took great pleasure in watching me gross out at the pictures in her text books. Nursing is a double-whammy for me. Not only do I get grossed out, I have very little compassion as well. So, if I were the nurse and someone came in to the ER with a deep wound, I would probably hand them a band-aid and tell them to quit dripping on the floor!

So, to all of you nurses in honor of Nurses Week... THANK YOU! Thank you for your kindness and compassion. Thank you for cleaning up WAY TO GROSS bodily fluids. Thank you for your long hours often with little appreciation for what you do. Thank you for making up stories to distract little kids from the needle that is about to poke them. Thank you for your morbid sense of humor. Thank you for the times that you stay late just to care for a specific person. Thank you for being the only smile that some people see. Thank you for holding a hand during a procedure. Thank you for being you and doing what you do and doing it well!!

If you have a nurse in your life... please take the time to thank them personally! Anyone who does what they do has earned your thanks!!


  1. Nurses are awesome! They are the ones who clean me up after I have a baby. They have a yucky job sometimes. Very unappreciated work. Thanks to your hubby!

  2. Great post!!! I cut a part of it and posted it on my facebook page! I have an aunt that is a great nurse - so I need to make sure I thank her!- Glad you have a great sexy nurse :)-


Thank you for your kind words!