the book...

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      Eighteen years-old and ready to take on the world, the friendship of a lifetime begins. Kristen Murphy and Elizabeth Ashley begin as college roommates and live life as friends closer than sisters. Kris, is artistic and thrives off of her time drawing and painting. She is tall and rather plain, but smart and kind. Liz, is musical, outgoing, beautiful, and captures the heart of every person she meets. In their eighteen year-old wisdom, they thought they had forever to be friends.
     Kris and Liz rented their first apartment together, stood up at each other's weddings and held each other's babies. Liz held Kris' hand when her father was buried. Kris stood with Liz when her husband walked out. The boundaries of our lives blurred long ago. They have been friends for twenty-eight years and the friendship withstands the test of time and the trials of life. Until cancer deals the final blow. Twenty-eight years together will be all they will get.
    Through Liz’s battle with breast cancer they learn how important each part of their life is and how grateful they are for everything that God sends their way. This is the story of their lives. As she sits by Liz's death bed, Kris recounts the trails and blessings that made them who they are. With their melded family gathered around, Kris tells their story and recalls the many "gifts" they have been blessed without throughout the years. She shares of how Liz taught her to notice the gifts in each day and to live with a grateful heart. It is through the telling of their story that the secret of counting gifts is discovered....