Wednesday, May 09, 2012

don't lose heart...

I'm quick to give up... to give in... to lose heart.  
And... I'm not alone.

So many of us struggle to get out of bed in the morning.  We fight to stay in the fight when we'd rather walk away.  We argue with God... making demands that are not ours to dictate.  We become disillusioned and we lose heart.

Life is pain.  I know this... why am I so quick to forget?  Why does giving up seem easier than going on?  

I don't know for anyone else... but, I do know for me.  I give up, give in, and lose heart when I take my eyes off the goal.  Much like Peter walking on the water to Jesus, it's when I start looking at the storm around me rather than gazing at Jesus that I begin to sink.  Of course, then I begin to look at the fact that I'm sinking, and go further under...  


I know this because I do this... often.  And, equally as often, a nail-scarred hand reaches out and pulls me up and sets my feet on solid ground.  He does this simply because He loves me. He calls me His child and He promises He has a plan for my future... one of good and of hope.  

I often forget... He never fails.  
I am quick to sink... He is quicker to rescue. 
look at the storm, the waves, the water, 
anywhere but at Him... His gaze never waivers.

This week, I threw in the towel on this God-sized dream I have.  I told Him I don't have what it takes... I forgot that He does, though.  The very next day, He sent me a book to review, a community to join, and wisdom and creativity from some of the best in the business. 

I will post a review soon.  I have to say tonight, though, that Michael Hyatt's newest release, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World, is speaking volumes to this heart that almost gave up.... and, it came the morning after I gave up.  My Redeemer redeemed.  He felt my tears and heard my heart's cry and reached out with what I needed for the moment.

If you've almost lost heart tonight, don't.  Please don't.  I promise His hand is waiting for you to take it.  

...take it from someone who loses heart often.

1 comment:

Thank you for your kind words!