Saturday, April 03, 2010

anticipating Sabbath

Sabbath. I have to say, I'm really looking forward to that blessed time of rest and worship later this evening and tomorrow. I love the anticipation I feel as the day approaches. I'm loving my children's excitement over helping me plan our Sabbath meal. I love that they love it!

As with most things in life, there are those who are wondering... have Chad and Heidi lost all of their marbles?... are they considering denouncing their Christian faith to embrace Judaism?... are they approaching a lifestyle of extreme legalism?... are they taking another step in totally and irrevocably ruining the chances for Eric, Emily and Ellen to be "normal"?

To the best of my ability and with a great deal of humor, here are my answers.... Yes, we probably have lost most of our marbles, but since we never had an abundance, we haven't noticed any missing! No, we are not in any way, shape or form denouncing our Christian faith; instead, our hope is to enhance our faith by being purposeful in our family's rest and worship time. No, we are not approaching a lifestyle of extreme legalism, just working out our salvation with fear and trembling. No, I don't think we are taking another step toward totally and irrevocably ruining the chances for the 3 Es to be normal but most would probably disagree with me. So, in response to this question, I offer this challenge... come spend some time with my children and get to know them... I think you will be pleasantly surprised (either because they have chosen that moment to be polite and kind or because they argue and fight like any other siblings I have ever met... pretty normal to me.).

So, why do I do Sabbath with my family? Why do I go to the trouble of planning and preparing a special meal? Why worry about china, candles and grape juice? Why not just order in a pizza and rent a movie? These are the questions I'm still working out. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is what we are called to do for this time in our family's life. I hope this season lasts a long time but I don't know. Everything here on earth is temporary. Perhaps this will be too.

Chad and I both are deeply involved in ministry. We both minister at church in our respective areas, but we also minister as a team and as a family. This past winter was filled with various families joining us for meals, sledding, game times, etc. While this was important, it left very little time for Chad and I to consciously and considerately minister to the three precious gifts that live with us. It's sad but true, the 3 Es often got overlooked in the realm of "ministry".

This is the foremost reason that I plan and prepare for our Sabbath celebration. I can have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the Truth (3 John 1:4) I have no greater ministry than a few years with my children before they begin journeys of their own. They will walk their walks, make mistakes, and sometimes forge their own paths. I want to make the most of the opportunity I have now to prepare them for their own faith journeys. Though I can't journey for them, I can teach them more and more about the journey, the pitfalls and the destination. For this reason, and others, I anticipate Sabbath...

...I anticipate the joy of preparing for rest and worship with my children...
...I anticipate their involvement with the preparations...
...I anticipate the discussion of why we are doing what we are doing...
...I anticipate the joy and peace of a meal together...
...I anticipate the incredible encouragement that I see my children giving each other before we eat...
...I anticipate the family Bible time after our meal...
...I anticipate our family fellowship of games or puzzles...
...I anticipate the renewed rest for all of us...
...I anticipate rising for church with a heart ready for worship...
...I anticipate the rest and relaxation...
...I anticipate the change in our hearts as we seek to honor Him...

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