Tuesday, September 14, 2010


...because of the tender mercy of our God...
Luke 1:78

Because my God is a God of tender mercy and His Word promises that His mercies are new every morning, this child is named Mercy...Ellen Mercy.  His gift to us of tender mercy and faithfulness.

My sister and I have often remarked at how God can take one thing and use it differently in different lives to His glory.  In our family, pregnancy seems to be that "thing".  Four women...four different stories of God's faithfulness and mercy through pregnancy...

...for one sister... mother of five says it all.  Pregnancy hasn't been an issue... well.. actually it has.  She's mother to five on earth and one in Heaven.  She and her husband have had to reconcile some unexpected pregnancies and the torn emotions that go with them.  Five children... five hearts... five souls held dear by their parents all have been used by God in their hearts and lives.

...for my other sister...mother of one was her long time description.  Years of waiting and losing one baby have been hard.  Thankfully, there are gifts of tender mercy there as well... for number two has lived with them on and off for the last 18 months as a foster child and number three is due soon... eight years after the birth of number one.  God has used years of waiting... hoping... longing to bring about His perfect work in my sister's heart and life.

...for my dear sister in law... mother of none was how some saw her for ten years.  Graciously and without complaint, my sister chose to live her life with my brother as a couple rather than as parents.  God used them mightily during that time and I think He was able to use them so well because of her obedience and surrender to His will.  Days after their eleventh wedding anniversary... God blessed them with the birth of their son... a gift of His tender mercy and great faithfulness.

...for me...mother of three is how most people know me.  However, in my heart, I am a mother to seven.  Seven?!?  Isn't that CRAZY!  In fact, the neurologist looked at Ellen's health history last week and said, "She was your SEVENTH pregnancy? How many children do you have?!?"  I have three here with me and four waiting for me... how COOL is that?!?  God has used each of my children to chip away sharp edges on my heart... to smooth rough patches of my soul... to mold me... to shape me more in the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.  

On the morning of September 14, 2003, God granted us a tender, new mercy... Ellen Mercy. 

...thus named so we will always remember.


  1. You made my eyes water . . . again! :-)

  2. beautiful. . .

    Just think, if things had been different, you might never have had that little gift of Mercy. . . Just like I may never have had my little golden child!

    Isn't God good!

  3. What a beautiful perspective- love your thankful heart.

  4. Oh, yes! Grief and pain and God. Through the course of life. God is faithful even in the broken parts that don't seem fair or right. I am a mother to 24. Yes, God led us to use in-vitro fertilization to expand our family. I had one natural (easy baby), two tubal pregnancies. At one time I had 21 precious babies, only 9 I got to hold in my womb and only 2 I got to hold in my arms. Imagine that a quiver full to meet in heaven!


Thank you for your kind words!