Saturday, September 11, 2010

when dreams are shattered...

I had the proverbial rug snatched out from under me this week and I'm still reeling.  In fact, it's been 3 days and I feel like I am constantly aware of how my heart hurts.  I think it hurts so badly because the one who loves me the most is the one who snatched the rug....

What do you do in times like this?  ...When a dream you held close to your heart is shattered? ... When a loved one inadvertently bruises your heart... again?

I tell myself... 
...this is silly, grow up!  
... get over it, you have so many blessings! 
... you love your man more than life itself, you are making this a bigger deal than it is!
... this is not a life altering event, your man loves you... he just has different dreams than you do.
                          ... and my heart still hurts.

I pray...
... God, fix it!
.... LORD, I need you now!
... Heavenly Father, I don't want to hurt anymore! I want healing in my marriage.
              .... and my heart still hurts.

... and then...

... a still, small voice whispers...

... I know the plans I have for you.  Plans to give you a future and a hope.  Let your plans go and embrace mine!

...a sweet, calm breeze flutters around my heart... dream is shattered...

...but God's isn't...


  1. {{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}
    Joining with you in prayer.

  2. Oh Heidi. I pray that the calm and warm breath of God comforts you today. May He help you to find room in your heart for the pain.

    Take time this week to build a new dream--with your husband. The wonderful thing about marriage is that we're joined together. Your dreams...his dreams... Take this opportunity to create a new "our" dream.

    Hugs and love,


  3. Heidi,

    I'm so sorry!

    I know this must be so hard to let go of what you were wanting, hoping for, and I'm praying God will fill your heart with an increasing trust in Him, knowing He knows how to give good gifts, the BEST, to His children. Praying right now!

  4. Heidi,

    Hope deferred makes the heart sick. (Proverbs?) I want to do more research into what this verse means. I hear your heart and am thankful for your vulnerability.



Thank you for your kind words!