Friday, September 10, 2010

not that she gets paid for...

"Does Heidi work outside the home?"

The receptionist rapidly rattled off this question among a million others as Chad sat at the counter of the children's hospital outpatient lab answering questions and filling out paperwork.

I hate that question!  Seriously!  What do I say?  What do you say?!?

I'd like to list all of the things I do daily in my house... outside of my house... in my truck... at our church... at our homeschool cooperative... etc., etc. that leave me exhausted by the end of the day.  I'm afraid to start because the Men In White Jackets may quietly approach and take this neurotic mother to a padded room.

"Not that she gets paid for"

...that was the answer my man gave without missing a beat.  

It's done my heart good this week to know that my man notices what I do... he knows I work hard... he sees value in it.

And, that answer was worth more to me than getting paid to work outside my home!


    They ask the dumb question because they want to be sure they can tap into all our resources for payment of the bill...

    BUT this world is so short-sighted in the definition of "resources"! The work that you do Heidi, for your family, for your church, for the various organizations, for JESUS is priceless!

    You Go, Girl!

  2. oh, I am going to have to remember that one. . .

    There isn't a salary in the world big enough!

  3. Ohhhh, that one!!!! I've always disliked that one. I read an article (years ago) that said the average homemakers wages would be like, I think more than 250,000 a year!!! We are therapists, counselor, nurse, chef, taxi driver, teacher,and a host of others that, sadly, I cannot remember. Good answer Chad!!!


Thank you for your kind words!