Sunday, January 09, 2011


I'm learning, anew, how much God wants to bless me.  So often, I don't want to wait for His blessings.  Instead, I'll "bless" myself with something that is actually subpar rather than wait for Him to bless me with something that is excellent.

A few years ago, we began the journey to financial freedom.  One of the biggest things I had to learn was to stop trying to bless myself.  Rather than pray and wait on God, I would use my credit card to bless myself.  Delayed gratification was a hard lesson to learn.  However, God is always faithful.  When I did begin exercising some self-control and some patience, God began to bless abundantly... just as He promises!

While I seemed to learn some of that lesson financially, I didn't learn it with food.  Instead, I still allowed myself to have things that were really not healthy for my body simply because I wanted them... or because I deserved them.  I blessed myself any chance I got.  Self-control... patience... delayed gratification were definitely NOT in my vocabulary when it came to food!  

In the book of Isaiah (Isaiah 44:19-20), God talks about how the children of Israel were feeding on ashes, rather than on His goodness.  They were choosing something far less rather than waiting on the goodness of their Lord.  So often, I am just like those Israelites... I am literally willing to feed on ashes by eating unhealthy man-made choices rather than enjoy those things that God created to be especially good for my body.  When I trust Him and wait on Him... I'm learning that I actually find myself enjoying food that is good for me.  

I have by no means arrived.  It is a constant battle to give up processed sugar... to not drink chai and diet Coke all day.... to choose water.  However, He is faithful... even when I am not.  He continues to woo me to Him.  He continues to teach me.  He continues to bless me.

... my list of 1000 gifts continues... #361- #390

... a great week of school for Eric
... a relatively easy adjustment for all of us
... a day off tomorrow for Chad
... new snow
... a spontaneous football game in the living room

... incredible prayer time at church today
... brothers and sisters in Christ who are honest... real... vulnerable
... seeing children joining adults as we gather around a struggling family to pray
... a great time of learning in Children's Church today
... incredible team of children's ministry volunteers

... a fun grocery day with kindred spirits
... free food... again!
... finding Wheaties Fuel cereal for Eric at $1.60/box (with Peyton on the cover, of course)
... finding a fun gift for my niece
... a Sabbath celebration with friends

... feeling better
... looser clothing
... yogurt covered pretzels
... a date with my man 
... and an apple cider fizz for dessert

... recognizing changes in my heart... in my attitude... in my appetite
... tasting changes in my taste buds
... discovering God's strength to say no
... sisters in Christ willing to walk the journey with me & hold me accountable
... more than enough grace for each moment


  1. Something I totally needed to hear tonight. I never struggled with weight until I hit 30, the last five years have been eye opening to see what it feels like to restrain. It's hard to say no when it comes to food, oh, but it feels so good to fit into clothes right and to eat the right things. You don't get that heavy feeling in your stomach, so worth it!

  2. I'm dealing with that this year as well. So far so good, but it's a struggle. It's a great thing to wait - and feast - in the Lord. :)


Thank you for your kind words!