Thursday, June 17, 2010


That's it.  It's time.  I've had enough.

It's time to reclaim my home, my time, my life!

I don't know a mom out there who hasn't at one time, or another, been in the position I'm in.  And, if we were honest, most of us find ourselves in this position all too often....

It doesn't seem to matter how many times I say "NO!",  I still seem to be running hither and yon (5 days in a row of taxi driving does not a happy mom make...).

It doesn't seem to matter how many times I step down from committees, I still seem to find myself busier than ever (how quickly I forget how busy June becomes when 4H projects are due the beginning of July) .

It doesn't seem to matter how many times I give up activities that sound-like-fun-but-we-just-don't-have-time, I still seem to have WAY too many things to do (as if being a wife and mom were not already 2 full time jobs).

Lest you think I need to go to a 12-step program or seek out personal counseling, rest assured I do know what causes this rat race... the proverbial hamster wheel that is spinning, spinning, spinning faster and faster and faster and yet not going anywhere...

I am very familiar with the cause... and, I am very familiar with the effect!  I'm also learning to become very familiar with the answer... my answer...


I'm at the point, again, where I have to STOP and RECLAIM my home, my time and my life.... because, very slowly and with very good intentions things creep into my life to clutter my home, rob my time and choke my life.  Usually these are good things but rarely are they the best things for me and for my family.

Unfortunately, I've got to finish the ride called 4H.  I can't get off in the middle and so it will be after State Fair in August before this ride comes to a complete stop!  

However, that doesn't mean that I can not start on other areas that need my immediate attention... 

~ my home for instance.  My Magic Cleaning Fairy came today and I wonder how she managed to clean around the clutter.  Seriously, it is that bad!  One area at a time, 10-15 minutes at a time... and in no time I can conquer what has accumulated like weeds in a flower bed (and yes, I have to deal with those too!).  

~ my time.  Thankfully tomorrow is my last day of spending most of the day behind the wheel.  I've committed to setting aside an hour on Saturday before our Sabbath Celebration to map out my appointments, the kids' music lessons, kids' volunteer times and any more 4H errands next week ahead of time.

~my life.  When my life becomes busy and the tyranny of the urgent sets in, it soon seems to be spinning out of control.   However, when I start my day in the Word and at His feet and ask Him to orchestrate my moments, He simplifies everything.  When I commit to doing what He has enabled me to do... nothing more, nothing less, nothing else... His peace and joy fill my days and stress becomes a thing of the past....

It is time to reclaim my home, my time, my life!... again...

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