Friday, December 18, 2009

an epiphany, thanks to Ebony

Meet the 4th E in the family~Ebony. Ebony is our 9 month old black lab/chow mix puppy, affectionally referred to as "princess puppy".

This picture was taken this summer in our camper. When given the chance, Ebony will always chose a pillow or blanket to on which to lay. Even if we don't always think so, she is sure she is royalty.

Last night, for the first time, Ebony slept in our bed. Since it is only me this weekend, I figured she would keep me warm. She did but it took her a while to settle down. At one point, I had enough of her 50 pounds pacing back and forth across the bed and the turning in circles to lay down. When I got up to take her back to her kennel, she sat on the edge of the bed and looked at me as if to say "you have got to be joking!"

This morning, I had a bit of an epiphany thanks to Ebony. Until I introduced the idea of sleeping on the bed, Ebony was completely content to sleep in her kennel. Once she got a taste of the king-size bed, though, she acted as though she was entitled to it and didn't want to give it up.

I thought of all that I have been blessed with, including a wonderful bed on which to sleep. If I were to travel inside and outside of these United States, I would find many, many people who sleep on cots, mats, rugs, and even dirt floors. For the most part, I think these people are content with where they sleep. It's all they have and it's all they've known. The problem isn't with these people, the problem is with me.

You see, I have experienced the wonderful king-size bed and I KNOW I would not be content with a cot, a mat, a rug or a dirt floor! Not only have I experienced this great sleep arrangement, I have allowed myself to feel entitled to it. It's my bed, right? I have been known, on many occasions, to sleep somewhere away from home and say "I can't wait to get back to MY bed". Therein lies the problem... my sinful heart that feels like it is entitled to the best in life rather than a thankful heart that is appreciative of all the blessings in my life~including my bed.

It's easy for me to read a book like "Advent Conspiracy" and say "This is a great book! We should all change the way we view Christmas!" It becomes hard when I say "Yes, LORD! I want to live differently. I want to worship fully, give more, spend less and love all." It's hard because He will hold me to that statement. He will show me where I am selfish. He will point out blessings that He has given that I take for granted. He will change my heart... and heart surgery is always good and always right but it always hurts.

My epiphany, thanks to Ebony, is this...I don't want to live a "princess puppy" life. I don't want to feel entitled to pampering, pillows and pleasure. Instead, I want to worship fully, spend less, give more and love all with a heart full of gratitude. Please bear with me, I think I'm on my way to the operating room for more heart surgery.

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