Saturday, February 04, 2012

of this... I am proud!

I've done five things in my life that I have NEVER regretted.  Five things, of which I am extremely proud.   Though, I could let go of everything else I have ever done without regret, I hold tightly to these five.  They even define who I am....

1) I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior...
the greatest thing I have ever done

2) I married the man who has held my heart all these years...
my love, second only to Jesus Christ

3, 4, 5) three times over I gave birth, became a mom...
starting with the mancub 15 years ago...

this one, right here...

he has been used of God to stretch me and shape me
he has made me laugh until tears flow
and weep until tears were spent

I like to think I can look at him
and think of all that I have done...

...and then I remember...
the things that I have done...

...and I bow the heart and thank the One
who has interceded on my behalf
and who has raised up this one 
to be a God-fearing mancub

fifteen years ago,
a young, naive, and exhausted mother
was handed her son...

I wondered why they gave him to me?

Did they know I had NO idea how to take care 
of someone else?

we learned together, my man and I
and we prayed...

and we pray.

thankfully, he is so much more like
his Heavenly Father
than his earthly mother!

and though I have failed him
time and time again...

of this one, I am proud!