Wednesday, April 06, 2011

the making of a Passion tree...

I've never had a Passion Tree before...
honestly, if not for the prompting from Ann
I wouldn't have ever thought of creating one

but creating is something I LOVE to do
and so I filled an old Mason jar
with beans... 
and we talk about Jesus' parable of the 
farmer who sowed his seed...
Matthew 13

and we add 5 branches
because, of course, there are 5 of us
and we talk about John 15...
He is the vine, we are the branches

and we embellish with
$1 glittery foam eggs...
because it brings us joy
and makes us smile
and because of grace
we can

we bring it in and add some left over
Advent tree lights
and we put it in the same place the Advent tree goes
because the lessons from the Passion tree
are just as important 
as the lessons from the Advent tree

and we add Ann's pictures
the ones done by masters of long ago
...those ones we don't know much about
so off we go to learn
about the ones who created art
to glorify the Artist

we take our Passion tree with us
to share with others as we learn
to identify the art on our tree

our Passion tree 
becomes an art history lesson
and a fun day searching and researching
at the library with friends

and after our jaunt
our Passion tree
safely arrives back home
placed back in its prominent place

and from here we look forward 
to learning more..
to studying of the passion of our Savior
whose death, burial and resurrection
gives us new life in Him!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool...learning together over spring break what could be better?


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