Wednesday, February 02, 2011

thundersnow and a concert of a lifetime...

I don't know exactly what it is but I love seeing God in the strange and beautiful weather phenomenas that we sometimes have. 

Last night's blizzard was one of them.  It was incredible!  We had over 8" of snow in 7 hours, howling winds of 40-50 miles an hour, freezing rain and sleet slamming into the house and thundersnow!  

For several hours, we had a front row seat to a sensory concert of a lifetime.  It was one of my Creator's finest!  The rumble and rhythm of thunder over the voice of the wind.  The snow would quiet down and the sleet would crescendo.  The snap, crackle and pop of the fire warmed us as the wind roared.  The view of the neighbor's lights would ebb and flow as the snow increased and the sleet decreased.   Hour after hour, we heard the earth sing His praises!

My heart overflowed last night.  Line after line of my gratitude journal was filled.  To serve such an amazing God who holds the storehouses of snow and lets the snow fly at His will... it's all grace and all I can do is return thanks.

And, it was the quiet that woke me in the early hours this morning after falling asleep to the sounds of the storm.  


  1. What a beautiful description of the thundersnow -- and Who it glorified. Lovely, lovely.

  2. It sounds like it was an amazing time! Thanks for sharing. Praising a God who makes snow (and sunshine!) today. :)


Thank you for your kind words!