Friday, August 26, 2011

on earthquakes and such...

Sometimes I think that if it were not for the earthquake-like tremors in my little world, nothing would ever change... shift... move.  I tend to be a "set-in-my-ways" type of person.  Seriously, as of this last weekend, I've lived in the same house for 17 years!  I don't tend to move unless God intervenes and moves me.

Last night, my man and I were discussing this new season of our lives.  This season of volleyball games and football games on the same night.  This season missed buses and 45 minutes in the car navigating school traffic and dropping kids off on opposite sides of town. This season of educating one at home. This season of planning very intentional family time.

As we were talking, I thought of how God has moved the world in the last couple of  years, specifically in the several months, with earthquakes 'round the globe.  I feel like my little world has tremored and quaked recently as well.  And, the proverbial light bulb above my head clicked on and I had an "ah-ha!" moment.

Like I said, if God doesn't move me, I don't move.  I tend to depend on the false security I establish in my own little world.   When I depend on my false security, I don't depend on Him.  I find I go to Him less and assume I need Him less.  And... then... He rocks my world to remind me that He is the one in control, not me.

After that "ah-ha!" moment, peace settled in my heart.  I'm finding I no longer fear the tremors... instead, I am standing in awe of the One who moves mountains!

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