Saturday, June 04, 2011

library spoiled...

I came to the conclusion, today, that I am "library spoiled"!  See this building?  Seriously, this building not only houses the World's Coolest Public Library (WCPL) but within those walls are a group of people I affectionally call "My Favorite Librarians".   

Unknown to me, until today, was the fact that My Favorite Librarians at WCPL have spoiled me rotten.

My mom and I took a short road trip today to meet up with my cousin to do some ministry brain-storming (more on that later...).   We opted to meet at a public library that offered free wifi.  At the time, it seemed like a safe and convenient way to spend several hours sharing thoughts and ideas.  Safe, definitely.   Convenient, not so much.

This particular library, which shall remain nameless, seems to be a public library in name only.  Let's just say, it's not very welcoming to have to ask a librarian to unlock the ladies' room when you are in need of its use.  Furthermore, free wifi takes on an entirely different meaning when you the librarian has to secretly enter the user name and password every hour.

I'm not sure what has prompted this particular public library to take such drastic measures to protect itself.  Apparently, they take their security seriously though!  

They advertised their Summer Reading Program.  I was a little leery of inquiring further.

... just another reminder of how much I love my local library!

1 comment:

  1. The wifi thing isn't that abnormal as we've encountered that in several locations, but the locked bathrooms is a new one. yikes!

    We have nice libraries here, but they are lacking a great deal from what we experienced in Va. They're getting a little better, but I miss being able to get Christian resources and videos...


Thank you for your kind words!